Joke Of The Day

The Hurricane Miracle That Never Came

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Rishav Sen Choudhury

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A hurricane was coming, and everyone in town was told to evacuate. But a deeply religious man said, “I’m staying! God will protect me.”
As the storm hit, the floodwaters rose. The police knocked on his door and said, “Sir, you need to evacuate!”
The man replied, “No need! God will save me.” So the police left.
As the water climbed, the man had to retreat to his roof. A rescue boat came by, and the National Guard shouted, “Get in, sir!”
The man shook his head, “God will protect me!”
Eventually, the man drowned.
At the gates of heaven, he confronted God and asked, “Why didn’t you protect me?”
God sighed and said, “I sent the news, the police, and a boat. What f more do you want?”

Explanation: This joke is a clever take on the theme of misplaced faith and irony. The punchline plays on the idea that the man was ignoring the practical help sent his way while waiting for a more miraculous intervention.

Based in Bangalore, Rishav Sen Choudhury is a humorist with a knack for puns, writing for HumorNama. While not crafting jokes, he's immersed in football or watching other sports. A tech-enthusiast turned comedian, Rishav is a unique blend of intellect and humor.

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