
101 Funny Easter Jokes for Kids to Share in 2025

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Jessica Amlee

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Easter is that magical time when kids turn into expert detectives, hunting for colorful eggs like their candy stash depends on it (because it totally does). It’s all about celebrating spring, new beginnings, and the occasional chocolate binge. Between the fluffy bunnies, bright baskets, and sugar rushes, Easter is the perfect excuse for a giggle-fest. And what better way to keep the fun going than with some hilarious Easter jokes that will crack everyone up!
Now, let’s hop into the world of Easter jokes for kids! These silly jokes are like the jellybeans of humor. They are small, colorful, and guaranteed to bring a smile. Whether it’s about mischievous bunnies, clumsy chicks, or eggs with attitude, these jokes will have kids giggling louder than a bunny with hiccups.

Kid-Friendly Easter Jokes

What’s a thief’s favorite Easter candy?
Robin Eggs.

Do you know why Jesus loves Donuts?
Because they’re not self-centered.

What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?
They lived hoppily ever after.

What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?

Why does Korea have more Christians than China?
Because China is east, but Korea is Easter.

What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
Hot cross bunnies!

Why did the Easter Egg hide?
Because he was a little chicken.

What’s the best way to make Easter easier?
Replace the ‘t’ with an ‘i’!

Yo mama so stupid, her parents let her hide her own Easter eggs.

What’s the opposite of Easter?

What kind of music does the Easter Bunny listen to?
Hip hop.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Holly who?)
Hollyulujah – it’s Easter.

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Why did the Easter Bunny go to the barber?
He had a bad hare day.

What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite drinking game?
Hop Scotch.

Easter is grammatically incorrect.
We should say more east.

One Easter, a man was teaching his son to drive when a rabbit jumped on the road out of nowhere. Slamming on the brakes, the son said, “I nearly ruined Easter! I almost ran over the Easter Bunny.”
His father replied, “It’s okay, son, you missed it by a hare.”

Who do marshmallows like to hang out with at Easter?
Their peeps!

How can you tell where the Easter Bunny left his treasure?
Eggs marks the spot.

How does a programmer catch the Easter Bunny?
With an Ethernet.

What kind of jewellery does the Easter Bunny wear?
14 Carrot Gold.

What was the Easter Bunny’s favorite vegetable?

Why do eggs hate Easter?
Because it’s the day they all dye.

Recommended: Easter Puns

Did you know Elton John has a pet rabbit that can run a 10K?
It’s a little fit bunny…

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Heidi who?)
Heidi the eggs around the house.

Why can’t you tell jokes about Easter eggs?
They’ll crack up!

How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?

Why did the Easter bunny fire the duck?
He kept quacking all the eggs.

What did the washer & dryer do in the 40 days before Easter?

What do you call a group of rabbits walking backward?
A receding hareline.

What rapper celebrates Easter twice?

Yo mama so fat, she came up for Thanksgiving and didn’t leave until Easter.

How does the Easter Bunny keep his ears standing straight up?
He uses Hare Spray.

Why is business good on Easter?
Because prophets rise.

What do you call someone who isn’t sure if the Easter Bunny is real?
An Eggnostic.

From where did the bunny get its hair done for Easter?
Obviously, from the “hare-stylist.”

Did you hear about the kid who accidentally drank the water people used to color eggs for Easter?
Most think he dyed a little inside.

Recommended: Easter Knock Knock Jokes

Why did the Easter Bunny go to the doctor?
It was time for his annual eggzam.

Knock, Knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Bea who?)
Bea kind on Easter.

Why did the Easter Bunny bookmark
Because it was “hopping” it would get to see more Easter jokes for kids.

What type of seat does an Easter bunny prefer?
An arm chare.

Who does the Easter Bunny admire the most among humans?

How did the Easter Bunny win the competition?
It outjumped them all.

What’s an Easter Bunny’s favorite dessert?
Egg tart.

Did you see Batman leaving Church early on Easter?
It was the first time someone had seen a Christian Bale.

Which profession can the Easter bunnies relate to?
The sHOPkeeper.

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What do you call a flea-infested rabbit?
Bugs Bunny.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Yolk who?)
Yolk’s on you if you’re not decorating eggs today!

How do you send an email to the Easter Bunny?

How does the Easter bunny text its friends?
With egg-mojis!

What did the washer & dryer do in the 40 days before Easter?

Why is the Easter Bunny a good listener?
He’s all ears!

Why did the Easter Bunny not want to go on a second date?
His date just kept rabbiting on!

What does Bob Marley say at Easter?
Don’t worry, be hoppy.

What day does an Easter egg hate the most?

What do rabbits say before they eat?
“Lettuce pray.”

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What do you call two best friends on Easter?
Two Peeps in a pod!

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Art Who?)
Art you ready yet? The egg toss game is about to start!

How can you make Easter preparations go faster?
Use the eggs-press lane.

Where do rabbits go after their wedding?
On their bunnymoon.

What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot?
“It’s been nice gnawing you.”

What do you call a transformer bunny?
Hop-timus Prime.

Why was the Easter egg so strict?
He was hard-boiled.

How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?
Only one. After that, it’s not empty anymore.

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
To make up for his miserable summer.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
Ice Cream.
(Ice Cream Who?)
Ice Cream every time I find an Easter egg!

Why do you need an Easter egg hunting license?
Because no poaching is allowed.

Why is the Easter Bunny so funny?
He always has a tail to tell.

What do you call the Easter Bunny when he has fleas?
Bugs Bunny.

Why did the Easter Bunny go to the dentist?
To fix his buck teeth.

What would you get if you crossed a rabbit with a famous French general?
Napoleon Bunnyparte.

What happened to the Easter Bunny when he misbehaved at school?
He was eggspelled!

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
Because the chicken had his eggs!

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Boo who?)
Don’t cry, Easter will be back next year!

What do you call a rabbit comedian?
A funny bunny.

How do rabbits stay cool during the summer?
With hare conditioning.

Which side of the Easter Bunny has the most fur?
The outside.

What do you say to the Easter Bunny on his birthday?
“Hoppy birthday!”

Why was Rihanna so happy on Easter?
She found eggs in a hopeless place!

Why is the Easter Bunny so lazy?
Be he doesn’t carrot all!

Why did the bunnies go on strike?
Because they wanted better celery.

Where do Easter bunnies dance?
At the basket ball.

What do you call a forgetful rabbit?
A hare-brain!

What does a rooster say to a hen he likes?
“Your one hot chick!”

Did you hear the one about the house infested with Easter eggs?
It needed an eggs-terminator.

Why couldn’t the Easter Bunny watch his favorite show?
Because his TV was scrambled!

Did you hear about the bunny who sat on a bumblebee?
It’s a tender tail!

What do you get if you cross Winnie the Pooh and the Easter Bunny?
A honey bunny.

What’s a proper toast at Easter?
Ears to a great Easter!

What do you call a baby who’s a little too warm on Easter?
A hot cross bun(dle) of joy.

How does an Easter chick dress for Sunday?

What do you call an unconventional Easter egg?

Why don’t chicks play baseball?
Too many fowl balls!

Why are Easter bunnies more tired when Easter’s in April?
Because they’ve just finished a long March.

What do you call a dancing chick?
Poultry in motion!

Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite movie actor?
Rabbit De Niro.

Why is the Easter Bunny so lucky?
Because he has four rabbits’ feet!

Where did the Easter Bunny learn how to ski?
The bunny hill.

Why does Peter Cottontail hop down the bunny trail?
Because he is too young to drive!

Do you have a funny Easter Joke? Write down your best kid-friendly ones in the comment section below!

Jessica Amlee, born in 1996 in Laughlin, Nevada, is a delightful humorist and joke writer with a penchant for puns. She studied at Emerson College, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Comedy. Jessica's comedic style combines snappy one-liners and observational humor, making her a rising star in the world of comedy.

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