When you think of dry weather, you might picture a desert where cacti are throwing shade at each other because there’s none available from the blazing sun. This kind of weather is so dry, you could probably hear a cactus cough if it had a throat. It’s the kind of dryness that makes camels daydream about water parks. But this isn’t just about weather that makes you thirsty for a glass of water; it’s the perfect setup for “As Dry As” jokes. You know, the type of humor that’s as parched as a tumbleweed’s social calendar.
Speaking of dry jokes, they’re the kind of jokes that sneak up on you with all the subtlety of a ninja in flip-flops. These jokes are so understated, they make a librarian’s shush sound like a rock concert. They’re like that one friend who’s so unexciting, watching paint dry with them seems like a thrill ride. But that’s the charm! “As Dry As” jokes don’t slap your knee; they politely tap it and ask if it’s okay to elicit a chuckle. They’re the kind of humor that thrives in the desert of wit, where the only thing abundant is the sound of one hand clapping.
Best As Dry As Jokes
- It is as dry as an instruction manual.
- It is as dry as the Sahara Desert.
- It is as dry as maize and beans you eat.
- It is as dry as a desert.
- It is as dry as chalk.
- It is as dry as Kyle Rittenhouse’s eyes.
- It is as dry as [enter name]’s relationship.
- It is as dry as a popcorn fart.
- It is as dry as any woman who sees his image and hears his voice
- It is as dry as the planet Arrakis.
- It is as dry as 8-day-old bread.
- It is as dry as bone.
- It is as dry as mattress foam.
- It is as dry as Sister Jude.
- It is as dry as sandpaper.
- It is as dry as the leaves of Savanna grassland.
- It is as dry as California’s summer.
- It is as dry as an old queen.
- It is as dry as hay.
- It is as dry as the last biscuit after a trip.
- It is as dry as a nun.
- It is as dry as cotton.
- It is as dry as the sands of Egypt.
- It is as dry as a dust.
- It is as dry as Prince Andrew’s armpits.
Recommended: Drier Than A Jokes
- It is as dry as Jehovah’s Witness’ birthday party.
- It is as dry as crispbread in a blast furnace.
- It is as dry as Gandhi’s flip-flop.
- It is as dry as a Popeye’s biscuit with no jelly.
- It is as dry as pages of books.
- It is as dry as Walmart assorted cookies.
- It is as dry as a witch’s teat.
- It is as dry as a pack of Jacobs Crackers.
- It is as dry as a ritz cracker.
- It is as dry as Lake Mead.
- It is as dry as a dehydrated tumbleweed.
- It is as dry as October.
- It is as dry as a dust.
- It is as dry as Bojangles biscuit.
- It is as dry as a hungover mouth.
Recommended: It’s So Hot Jokes
- It is as dry as Kronika Lips.
- It is as dry as an overcooked Thanksgiving turkey.
- It is as dry as a saltine cracker.
- It is as dry as funeral scones.
- It is as dry as crops.
- It is as dry as grandmother’s potato salad.
- It is as dry as chicken breast with no seasoning.
- It is as dry as Pommy’s bath towel.
- It is as dry as stockfish.
- It is as dry as a dead dingo’s donger.
How dry is it? Surprise us with your funny as dry as jokes in the comment section below.
It is as dry as a cricket test match on 4th day.
As dry as a loveless kiss
Dry as a Pharaoh’s sock