
99 Funny Summer Jokes for Kids to Beat Heat in 2025

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Jessica Amlee

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School’s out, the sun is blazing, and kids are running around like they’ve been powered by unlimited ice cream. Summer is the season of fun, late bedtimes, and endless mischief, and nothing makes it better than a good laugh. That’s where Summer Jokes come in as they’re as refreshing as a cold lemonade.
From beach trips to backyard adventures, kids find humor in everything, and Summer Jokes make those moments even better. Whether they’re joking about the heat, the pool, or why flip-flops always disappear, these jokes keep the summer spirit alive while giving everyone a reason to giggle.

Best Kid-Friendly Summer Jokes

Where do crayons go for vacation?

What vacation spot only allows birds?
The Canary Islands!

What do you do if you get rejected from a job at a sun cream factory?

Where do sheep go on vacation?
To the Baa-hamas.

When is it safe to dive into a pool?
It deep ends.

What is a frog’s favorite summertime treat?

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Canoe who?)
Canoe come out and play in the sun?!

What’s a penguin’s least favorite vacation destination?

What’s brown and hairy and covered in sunscreen?
A coconut on summer vacation.

Why did the battery go on summer vacation?
He needed to recharge.

What should a baby wear to go swimming?

Recommended: Summer Jokes

What kind of scientists sit under beach umbrellas?

Why can’t basketball players take summer vacation?
Traveling is not allowed.

What do ghosts like to eat at the beach?

How did the stadium get hot after the game?
All the fans left.

Where do vegetables go on vacation?

How did the boy tide pool impress the girl tide pool?
He showed off his mussels.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
Ice cream.
(Ice cream who?)
Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

What’s the one vegetable not welcome on a cruise?
A leek.

What’s stressed out and sits on the ocean floor?
A nervous wreck.

What has ears but can’t hear in the summer?
A corn field, of course!

Recommended: Summer Memes

What did the ice cream do when it got mad?
It melted down.

Where do pet goldfish go on vacation?
All around the globe.

What does Sonic wear at the beach?
A Speed-O!

Where do freshwater fish keep their money?
In a river bank.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Lettuce who?)
Lettuce go to the beach!

Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool party?
They dropped their trunks.

What did Yogi Bear pack for his summer picnic?
The bear necessities.

What’s gray and has four legs and a trunk?
A mouse on vacation.

What is the sun’s favorite genre of music?

Recommended: Hot Weather Jokes

What did the news reporter say to the ice cream cone?
“Give me the scoop.”

What happens when you throw a library full of books into the sea?
You get a title wave.

Why did the dolphin cross the road?
To get to the other tide!

How do you treat a sunburned pirate?
With some arrrrr-gan oil.

What’s the coolest letter in the alphabet?
Iced T.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Sun who?)
Sun of a gun, it’s hot outside!

Why don’t seashells shower?
Because they wash up on the beach.

What do the detectives find on a beach?
Something fishy.

Where do small mammals go on vacation?

Where did the boat go when it got sick?
Straight to the dock.

Recommended: Hot Weather Memes

Why did the science teacher jump to the pool?
To test the water.

Why did the tomato turn red during summer camp?
Because it saw the salad dressing!

Why did the banana apply sunscreen?
Because it peels.

What do you get when you combine an elephant and a whale?
Swimming trunks.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Pool who?)
Pool your sunscreen on, it’s time to swim!

What does a frog drink in the summer?
Diet croak.

Why doesn’t the sun go to university?
It already has millions of degrees.

What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?
You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish.

Why don’t fish take vacations?
Because they’re in schools.

What kind of water cannot freeze?
Hot water.

What did the beach say to the tide when it came in?
“Long time, no sea.”

Where do cows go on vacation?

Why did the man pour warm water on his computer?
His windows froze…

Why did the seagrass blush?
It saw the sea’s bottom.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Sandy who?)
Sandy Claus, ready for summer fun!

What do you call a snowman in the summer time?
A puddle.

Why did the robot go on vacation?
He needed to recharge his batteries.

How does the ocean stay up to date on the news?
It follows current events.

What does Bread do on summer vacation?
It just loafs around.

What do you call someone who likes to add numbers when the weather is warm?
A summer.

Why did the bee do when it got too hot?
Took of its yellow jacket.

What is 90 degrees but covered in ice?
North and South Pole!

Why don’t mummies go on summer vacation?
They don’t want to relax and unwind.

Why do they call it summer school?
Cause it’s sum-more school.

Where do sharks go on vacation?

Why do fish eat worms?
They’re hooked.

What wears a coat in winter and pants in the summer?
A dog!

What does the sun drink from?

How does the sun cut its hair?
Eclipse it.

How does summer turn to fall?

Where do wolves like to stay while on vacation?
At the Howl-iday Inn!

What do you call a poodle by the pool?
A hot dog.

How do you know if the ocean is friendly?
It waves.

Bald men always seem to do better in the summer.
Must be their time to shine.

Where do fruits go on vacation?

What’s the best day to go to the beach?

Why did the ice cream truck get stuck?
Rocky road.

It’s so hot outside, I saw a chicken lay an omelette.

What do you call a mathematician who spends all summer in the sun?
A tangent.

What do sheep eat in the summer?

What is black and white in color with red all over?
A sunburned Zebra!

Where do pencils go for vacation?

What did the pig call himself on a hot summer day?
“I’m bacon!”

Why does the ice cream cone get invited to all the parties?
Because it’s cool.

Where do beekeepers stay on vacation?
Air bee and bee.

Why do birds fly north in the summer?
Because it’s too far to walk.

What’s mathematics teachers’ favorite season?

What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
A sandwich.

Why was the skeleton sad in the summer time?
It had no body to go swimming with.

Why is ice cream always invited to all the parties?
It’s cool.

Why did the professor put on his sunglasses?
Because his students were bright.

Recommended: Adult Summer Jokes

Why do fireflies love summer?
Because they’re good at lighting up a room!

Which is faster, hot or cold?
Hot, because you can catch a cold.

How do you cool down a chicken when it’s too hot?
Dip it in Ranch!

Why do trees seem suspicious on sunny days?
Dunno, they’re just a bit shady.

What’s an egg’s favorite vacation spot?
New Yolk City.

Do you have a funny Summer Joke? Write down your best kid-friendly ones in the comment section below!

Jessica Amlee, born in 1996 in Laughlin, Nevada, is a delightful humorist and joke writer with a penchant for puns. She studied at Emerson College, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Comedy. Jessica's comedic style combines snappy one-liners and observational humor, making her a rising star in the world of comedy.

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