
99 Yo Mama So Poor Jokes for Kids And Adults

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Jessica Amlee


Welcome to our blog, where we celebrate the timeless tradition of Yo Mama So Poor jokes. These hilarious quips have been tickling funny bones for generations, showcasing the ingenuity of comedic minds in creating light-hearted humor from an otherwise sensitive topic. While they may seem offensive to some, these jokes often serve as a shared experience that transcends social and cultural boundaries, uniting us through laughter.

From the classic “Yo mama so poor, she can’t afford to pay attention,” to the creative “Yo mama so poor, she uses a Dorito as a credit card,” these jokes are a testament to the power of humor in bringing joy and levity to our lives. So sit back, relax, and prepare to chuckle as we explore the world of Yo Mama jokes and celebrate their enduring legacy.

Best Yo Mama So Poor Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, she can’t even pay attention.
  2. Yo mama so poor, she goes to KFC to lick other people’s fingers.
  3. Yo mama so poor, ducks throw bread at her.
  4. Yo mama so poor when she lit a match, the ants came out from their hole chanting “clap your hands and stomp your feet, praise the lord cause we got heat.”
  5. Yo mama so poor, she had a color TV till she ran out of crayons.
  6. Yo mama so poor, when she wishes down a well, she wishes for her money back.
  7. Yo mama so poor, I saw her kicking a can down the street I asked her what she was doing and the bitch said she was moving
  8. Yo mama so poor, she visited a 1st world country and made it a 3rd world country.
  9. Yo mama so poor, she chases a garbage truck with a shopping list.
  10. Yo mama so poor, she hangs toilet paper out to dry.
  11. Yo mama so poor, her cardboard box got repossessed.
  12. Yo mama so poor, she showers in the rain.
  13. Yo mama so poor, she upgraded her house to a refrigerator box.
  14. Yo mama so poor, Nigerian princes wire her money.
  15. Yo mama so poor, she reuses paper plates.

Recommended: Yo Mama So Fat Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, when it hails she pulls her ice tray out.
  2. Yo mama so poor, she waves a popsicle around and calls it air conditioning.
  3. Yo mama so poor, that burglars break in and leave money.
  4. Yo mama so poor, children in Africa gather money for her.
  5. Yo mama so poor, she has to fart in the bathtub for a bubble bath.
  6. Yo mama so poor, the repossession people skipped her house.
  7. Yo mama so poor, she runs after the bus to save the bus fare.
  8. Yo mama is so poor, she goes on Gmail just to eat a spam.
  9. Yo mama so poor when I said, “What’s for dinner?” she took off her shoelaces and said, “Spaghetti.”
  10. Yo mama so poor, the Grinch didn’t rob her.

Recommended: Yo Mama So Dumb Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, she had to win the lottery 8 times just to break even.
  2. Yo mama so poor, after lending her some money USSR got broke.
  3. Yo mama so poor, when I stepped on her welcome mat, she said, “Hey, guests aren’t allowed upstairs.”
  4. Yo mama so poor, she thinks a two-income home means welfare and food stamps
  5. Yo mama so poor, she wears a bikini to church.
  6. Yo mama so poor, she got stuff on lay away at the dollar store.
  7. Yo mama so poor, she wrestles squirrels for acorns.
  8. Yo mama so poor when the neighbors bought a new refrigerator she took the box to make her living room bigger.
  9. Yo mama so poor, she saves the packet of ramen seasoning for tomorrow’s breakfast.
  10. Yo mama is so poor and stupid that on the night you were conceived, your parents ran out of condoms and they just used one inside out, and that’s how you came to be.

Recommended: Yo Mama So Stupid Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, I walked in her front door and fell out the back gate!
  2. Yo mama so poor, when I accidentally ran into cobwebs she yelled “Who’s tearing down the drapes?!”
  3. Yo mama so broke when I looked between your couch cushions for change, I got 70 cents in debt.
  4. Yo mama so cheap, she was produced in China.
  5. Yo mama so poor, her phone’s camera needs glasses.
  6. Yo mama so poor, I asked her why she was kicking a can while walking she said Im moving.
  7. Yo mama so poor, she uses a plastic grocery bag as a purse. Got holes all in it and everything.
  8. Yo mama so poor, her penny loafers have coupons.
  9. Yo mama so broke, her signature dish is a bread sandwich.
  10. Yo mama so poor, her socks are so holy, they go to church by themselves.

Recommended: Yo Mama So Ugly Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, she uses the bags under her eyes as trash bags.
  2. Yo mama so poor, she couldn’t afford a sample.
  3. Yo mama so poor, when someone threw away a ball of lint in her house, she said “Who got rid of my stuff?”
  4. Yo mama so poor, she shops at the thrift store on Black Friday!
  5. Yo mama so poor, when I’m in her kitchen my elbow’s in the living room.
  6. Yo mama so poor, she has to pay taxes.
  7. Yo mama so cheap, she rinses off ice cubes to reuse them.
  8. Yo mama so broke when she added 20 dollars to her bank account they suspended her account for “suspicious activity.”
  9. Yo mama so poor, she couldn’t even afford a free book.
  10. Yo mama so poor, when someone asked her what’s on TV, she put two toy cars inside of a cardboard box and said “Speed Racer”.

Recommended: Yo Mama So Old Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, kids in Africa give food to her.
  2. Yo mama so poor, I saw her playing in a puddle and when I asked her what she was doing, she said “I’m bathing”.
  3. Yo mama so poor, she robs from Dollar Tree!
  4. Yo mama so broke, she steals food from the bird feeders.
  5. Yo mama so poor, she pays hobos to rent the sidewalk.
  6. Yo mama so poor when I kicked her house, she said, “Hey! I was going to move in!”
  7. Yo mama so poor, I saw her coloring on a box with a crayon and when I asked her what she was doing, she said “Renovating”.
  8. Yo mama so poor, her bank account looks like a college graduate’s.
  9. Yo mama so poor, I can’t make a joke at her expense.
  10. Yo mama so poor, I saw her kicking a can down the street and asked her what she was doing and she said, “Movin.”

Recommended: Yo Mama So Short Jokes

  1. Yo mama so broke, the homeless collectively know her as the “shower drain.”
  2. Yo mama so poor, she can’t afford to fly off the handle, when she gets mad, she has to greyhound off the handle.
  3. Yo mama so poor when I dropped a cigarette butt on the floor, she sang, “Clap your hands, stomp your feet! Praise the Lord, we got some heat!”
  4. Yo mama so poor when people come to the door she gotta stick her head out and say, “Ding, Dong!”
  5. Yo mama so poor, her welcome mat just says “wel.”
  6. Yo mama so poor, she uses cereal boxes as picture frames.
  7. Yo mama so poor, she eats cereal with a fork to save on milk.
  8. Yo mama so poor, she considers ketchup packets from fast food restaurants as a pantry staple.
  9. Yo mama so poor, when she heard about the Last Supper she thought she was running out of food stamps
  10. Yo mama so poor, she waves around a popsicle and calls it air conditioning.
  11. Yo mama so poor, she uses Cheerios for earrings.
  12. Yo mama so poor she only understands hand-outs
  13. Yo mama so poor, she uses a public restroom for a spa day.
  14. Yo mama so poor, she goes to the restaurant to smell the food.
  15. Yo mama so poor, her tv has two channels: ON & OFF.
  16. Yo mama so poor, she has to take the trash IN.
  17. Yo mama so poor, when hoodlums break into her house, they bring her stuff.
  18. Yo mama so poor when you stomp on a cigarette she says, “Hey why did you turn off the heater?”
  19. Yo mama so poor, Midas touch couldn’t get her out of poverty.
  20. Yo mama so poor, she missed a bicycle payment.

Recommended: Dark Yo Mama Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor, she was walking in the street with only one shoe. And when she was asked if she had lost a shoe, she said “No, I found one.”
  2. Yo mama so poor, she got married for the free rice.
  3. Yo mama so poor, her face is on the food stamp.
  4. Yo mama so poor that when I came over for dinner, she had me read the recipes.
  5. Yo mama so poor that I saw her wrestling a squirrel for a peanut.
  6. Yo mama so poor that the closest thing to a car she has is a low-rider shopping cart with a box on it.
  7. Yo mama so poor that I went to her house and tore down some cobwebs, and she said “Who’s tearing down the drapes?”
  8. Yo mama so poor, she washes paper plates.
  9. Yo mama so poor that I walked into her house and swatted a firefly and Yo Mama said, “Who turned off the lights?”
  10. Yo mama so poor that for Halloween, her trick was the treat.

Recommended: Dirty Yo Mama Jokes

  1. Yo mama so poor that when I saw her in the park digging up plants, she said she was “getting groceries”.
  2. Yo mama so poor that when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush!
  3. Yo mama so poor, they caught her shoplifting at Dollar General.
  4. Yo mama so cheap, she bargains at thrift stores.

Do you have another yo mama so poor joke? Post your own yo mama puns in the comment section below.

Jessica Amlee, born in 1996 in Laughlin, Nevada, is a delightful humorist and joke writer with a penchant for puns. She studied at Emerson College, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Comedy. Jessica's comedic style combines snappy one-liners and observational humor, making her a rising star in the world of comedy.

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