Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny and now that time comes when we shall redeem our pledge not wholly or in full measure but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps India will awake to life and freedom. On 15 August 1947, at midnight India awoke to a new life of freedom but two centuries of colonial rule had decayed India leaving the country in poverty and hunger. The founding fathers set out to make India modern and progressive something that captured the uniqueness of the chaotic but eternally hopeful nation.
One would think that 77 years after grimacing out of the grip of a bleached-in-the-Indian-sun armpit of a broken-down corporation with a post-warload of non-performing assets, a very large surplus of tins of spam, and baby Beatles, we’d be comfortable enough to wisecrack about our Independence movement. So here are the best Independence Day Memes to celebrate India’s Swatantrata Diwas.
Funny Independence Day Memes
1. Indian flag display pictures are coming!

2. Depressed in British.

3. Sab deshbhakt!

4. That Laddoo fan!

5. Gandhiji fumes!

6. Excited!

Recommended: Mahatma Gandhi Jokes
7. The IQ graph!

8. Girls on Independence Day!

9. How did India gain Independence?

10. Patriotic Vibes!

Recommended: Independence Day Jokes
11. All set and ready to go to school!

12. Program on Swatantrata Diwas!

13. Well, that’s awkward!

14. True story.

15. Fasting!

16. Not that great friendship!

17. Non-violence revolution!

18. Not a great deal, eh?!

19. Not same bro!

20. Head out!

Hope you found these memes on Swatantrata Diwas funny. Let us know in the comment section below.