
20 Best Veterans Day Memes To Share This Year

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Humornama Media

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A veteran is anyone who has served in the military. The US military, also known as the Armed Forces, has five branches – The Marine Corps, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Coast Guard! Remember, anyone who has served any of the branches of the military is a veteran!

The military defends your freedom on land, in the sea, in the air, and even in cyberspace! While you’re eating, while you’re sleeping, while you’re watching these Veterans Day memes, the five branches of the military are defending your freedom all around the world.

Veterans Day is a holiday that honors all of those who have served in the military; past and present. It is always on November 11th, and there’s a very good reason for that. November 11th is an important day because, on November 11th, 1918, an armistice was signed that ended World War I. The holiday began on November 11th, 1919 as Armistice Day. It was called Armistice Day until 1954. In 1954, the 34th president of the United States Dwight Eisenhower renamed the holiday “Veterans Day”. He wanted the holiday to celebrate all of the veterans from all of the wars and celebrate those who are serving today, veterans past and present.

Happy Veterans Day Memes

1. It’s Armistice Day!

Armistice Day meme on Veterans

2. Discounts everywhere!

Veterans Day Meme For Facebook

3. Shouldn’t have created that meme!

Ok Boomer Meme on Veterans Day

4. Once a soldier, always a soldier!

Soldier Meme on Old Man

5. V for Veterinarian.

Vet Meme on Veterans Day

Recommended: Veterans Day Jokes

6. Peeps are ready!

Veterans Day Discounts Meme

7. Not a bit!

Funny Veterans Day Meme on Bootcamp graduate

8. Veterans Day discounts!

Veterans Day Meme on Free Meals

9. Confusing Meme!

Veterans Day Meme on Memorial Day

10. Veterans Day vs Memorial Day!

Veterans Day Meme on Memorial Day

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11. Appreciate the troops!

Clean Veterans Day Meme

12. Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day Meme on Salute

13. Thank you for the service!

Veterans Day Service Meme

14. Announcement!

Veterans Meme on Jelly Donut

15. Cool idea!

Veteran Dog Meme

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16. Great serve!

Serving Tennis Meme on Veterans

17. One day of Spotlight!

Veterans Day Meme on Squidward

18. Thoughtful!

Memorial Day Vs Veterans Day Meme

19. Honoring those who served!

Memorial Day and Veterans Day Meme

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20. Oops!

Veterans Meme on D-Day

Did you enjoy these memes on Veterans Day? Do not forget to share these funny photos with your friends and family. Also, tell us what you think about these memes in the comments section!

Meet the HumorNama Editorial Team – a dynamic group of writers and editors based in Bangalore, India. With diverse backgrounds ranging from stand-up comedy to creative writing, our team specializes in crafting content that tickles your funny bone. Passionate about memes and everything humorous, we're dedicated to delivering laughs while reflecting on life's quirks.

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