Weekends are exactly what the doctor prescribes after the whole week of tedious work and study. You could go to the movies, have food outside, go out with friends and family, sleep, or even stare at your phones. After all, one needs a weekend to reinvent and refresh yourself. On this occasion, we have aggregated the funniest weekend memes that are relatable to you.
Why weekends are important? Imagine not having a weekend to unwind after a long week of working or studying. Weekends are a time to fill up love and establish strong relationships, when you may have dinner with your entire family, visit with your friends, or simply spend time watching cartoons with your children. The weekend is a great opportunity to savour meals prepared by your mother, wife, or daughter. Weekends are a time when you can be yourself (maybe) because you are at home or with the one you love, free of stress, paperwork, bosses, homework, and so on. It could be a 2-day, 3 day or 4-day long weekend but its existence is truly very much important, suggests research.
Weekends are wonderful, but never seem to last long enough. By the time we’ve unwinded on a Friday night, binge-watched TV shows, and socialised – although online – it’s Sunday night, and we’re mentally preparing for the following week. So let’s make sure we enjoy this time with these Happy Weekend memes.
Happy Weekend Memes
1. I can smell the weekend

2. We love the weekend is here memes.

3. Who is excited about the weekend?

4. Finally it’s weekend.

5. We are not the same bro.

6. Entering weekend be like.

Recommended: Saturday Jokes
7. Weekend face.

8. We deserve, this weekend.

9. I could smile all weekend.

10. Happy weekend meme.

11. 3 day weekend meme.

Recommended: 3-Day Weekend Memes
12. 4 day weekend meme.

13. When you wake up and remember.

14. Where did the weekend go?

15. Post-weekend meme.

16. Weekend just seems to fly.

17. Please stop asking me what I am doing this weekend.

18. Weekend, please don’t leave me.

19. When you work on weekends.

Recommended: Sunday Jokes
20. Weekend working meme.

21. Weekend workout meme.

22. How was the weekend?

23. Weekend plan meme.

24. Any plans this weekend?

25. This doesn’t sit right.

26. Weekend – The Saviour.

27. My weekend to-do list.

28. Finding the courage to deal with Monday.

29. A beautiful week is incomplete without a weekend.

30. Waiting to welcome weekend, for the next time.

Hope you liked our list of funny weekend memes. Do pick the one you liked and mention it in the comment section below.
Man.. these weekend memes are soo relatable.