
50 Funny Wednesday Jokes To Walk Into Hump Day

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Jessica Amlee

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Wednesday, famously dubbed ‘Hump Day,’ is like the middle child of the weekdays. It’s stuck right between the Monday blues and the “Thank Goodness It’s Friday” cheer. Wednesdays can feel like you’re climbing a hill – once you’re over it, you can see the weekend waving at you from the other side. It’s the day when the energy levels dip and coffee cups seem to magically refill themselves. Everyone’s counting down to the weekend, but first, they have to conquer the great Wednesday. And in this mid-week saga, Wednesday jokes become the much-needed comic relief, giving everyone a little nudge towards the weekend.

When it comes to Wednesday jokes, they’re like the secret sauce that makes this mid-week burger a bit more palatable. These jokes are the whispers in the office corridors, the funny memes that flood your social media feeds, all dedicated to surviving Hump Day. They’re like little badges of honor we wear as we march through the week, a collective way of saying, “Yes, it’s only Wednesday, but we’re going to make it to Friday!” Whether it’s a playful jab at how the coffee machine sees more action on Wednesdays or a meme depicting someone’s dramatic crawl to the weekend, these jokes bring a smile and a shared sense of camaraderie. After all, laughter is the best medicine, especially on a Wednesday.

Best Hump Day Jokes

What did the one-humped camel and a two-humped camel name their baby that had no humps

Why do people always say “happy hump day”?
Because it’s all downhill from there!

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
It is Wednesday.
(It is Wednesday who?)
It is Wednesday my dudes.

Why is the d silent in Wednesday?
Cause on hump day you’re already getting the D.

What’s the difference between you and a Calendar?
Hump day comes once a week.

On a Saturday, how do you make a blonde laugh?
You tell her a joke on Wednesday.

What’s the difference between a Wednesday and a camel?
One has humps, and the other has a midweek slump!

What do you call it when it’s not raining on Wednesday?
Simply, dry hump day.

Why are Saturday and Sunday stronger than Wednesday?
Because Wednesday is a weak day.

What is a camel’s favorite day of the week?
Hump Day!

The Pope is handing out miracles to kids. Billy walks on stage and asks him, “Can you help me with my hearing?” The Pope says “Yes” and puts his hand on Billy’s ears and prays. He removes his hands and asks, “How is your hearing now?”
Billy says, “I don’t know, it’s not until next Wednesday…”

Why do camels make the best comedians on Wednesdays?
Because they know how to get everyone laughing over the hump!

Kid: Dad, what comes after Tuesday?
Dad: Wednesday.
Kid: No, Threesday.

Recommended: Thursday Jokes

When is the ideal day to have camel meat?

What do you get when you cross Wednesday with Friday?

4 people – Optimist, a pessimist, a realist, and an opportunist were celebrating Wine Wednesday.
Optimist: My glass is half full.
Pessimist: Guys, my glass is half empty.
Realist: My glass is neither empty nor full. It is what it is – a glass of wine.
Opportunist: While you idiots were arguing about the content of the glass, I drank all the wine.

What do you get when you cross Wednesday with a truck?
Humpty Dumpty.

Why did the man cross Wednesday?
To reach the weekend.

Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Wednesday who?)
Wedn tf is it going to be Friday?!

Why did Wednesday feel like a Friday?
Because it had a happy hour!

What normally comes after “Taco Tuesday?”
Wipe-it Wednesday.

Recommended: Tuesday Jokes

The wife’s panties are labeled ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’ …
The husband’s underwear is labeled ‘January’, February’, ‘March’…

Knock, knock!
(Who’s there?)
(Olive who?)
Olive the days of the week, but Wednesday is my favorite!

Why did Weeknd and Wednesday Addams break up?
They were unable to sort their days together.

Boss: You’ve been late three times this week! Do you understand what that means?
Employee: Err…it means… it’s Wednesday?!

Three elderly ladies are seated on a bus
The first one mentions that it is windy.
The second one corrects her by saying that it’s Thursday, not Wednesday.
The third person adds, “Yeah, I’m thirsty too; we should get something to drink.”

Why was the wedding of the virgins held in the midst of the week?
Because it’s hump day on Wednesday.

Why did Wednesday go to the dentist?
To get a midweek cleaning!

How are Mondays and Wednesdays similar?
Well, Wednesdays are like Monday but just in the middle of the week.

Recommended: Monday Jokes

How long does it take from Sunday to Wednesday?

What do you say when two camels are making love on Wednesday?
They are humping.

What is the best day to eat Camel meat?

Why did Wednesday go to the library?
To check out some midweek reads!

What’s a Wednesday’s favorite song?
“I Will Survive!”

Knock, knock!
(Who’s there?)
(Camel who?)
Camel get through this hump day together!

Why did Wednesday feel like a rollercoaster?
Because it had its ups and downs!

Why don’t Wednesdays get invited to parties?
Because they’re the awkward middle child of the week!

Two dogs were discussing at work.
First: Can you see the weekend?
Second: No, I can’t. There is a camel in the way asking people if they know what day it is.

Recommended: Weekend Memes

Why would the alcoholic reject grapes on Wine Wednesday?
Well, he is not used to consuming wine in pill form.

Where do camels go after dinner on Wednesday?
Straight for the desert trolley.

What do you call a camel that cries midweek?
A humpback-wail.

What is a camel kid’s favorite nursery rhyme for Wednesday?
Hump-ty Dumpty.

Going through a week really isn’t as hard as they say it is.
Once you get over the hump, the rest is easy.

When should one take out his girlfriend who is a bin lady?
Any day among Wednesday or Thursday.

Why did the baker make a cake on hump day?
To sweeten up the rest of the week!

How do you celebrate hump day?
By taking a load off and enjoying the downhill ride!

Wednesday can often feel like a bit of a drag, stuck right in the middle of the week with still a few days to go until the weekend. But that doesn’t mean we can’t inject a little humor into the day to make it more enjoyable. That’s where the above list of Wednesday jokes comes in!

Whether it’s knock-knock jokes, puns, or one-liners, a good Wednesday joke can brighten up the day and make the rest of the week feel a little less daunting. From hump day jokes to jokes about getting over the mid-week slump, there’s no shortage of Wednesday-themed humor out there. So bookmark this page so that the next time you’re feeling a bit down on a Wednesday, take a break and enjoy a good laugh with some of these jokes!

Jessica Amlee, born in 1996 in Laughlin, Nevada, is a delightful humorist and joke writer with a penchant for puns. She studied at Emerson College, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Comedy. Jessica's comedic style combines snappy one-liners and observational humor, making her a rising star in the world of comedy.

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